Terms of Use

In short, you use this website and everything hosted here at your own risk. Anything that you download to your computer is also done so at your own risk. We frequently link to external websites—AlexGuichet.com is not responsible for the privacy policy, terms, or content hosted on that website. Please use caution, and be responsible for yourself—we are not liable or responsible for you, or your actions.

Privacy Policy

First and foremost, we want to earn and keep your trust. Your privacy is seriously important to us.


This website sets a cookie with a unique anonymous identifier for site functionality and stores preferences like font size and color. You may disable cookies while visiting AlexGuichet.com, but some features of the website may not work as intended.

Advertising & Affiliate Links

We may receive revenue through advertising and affiliate links. To enable this, we add parameters to URLs so these services may track that we referred you there. We will only add site & campaign identifiers where relevant—we will not provide any potentially deanonymizing identifiers.


We make use of a privacy-friendly analytics service. The intent of this is to, generally, track the popularity and performance of the content on AlexGuichet.com. Additionally, we use this information to understand what kinds of technology our audience uses and the general size of that audience — for example, if we want to change the site’s styling, we would like to make sure we know which browsers to test in to make sure it works for a majority of our audience. We only collect information typically sent by your browser or information related to your request, including URL, browser, operating system, and the cookie tracking identifier for this website.

Your Data

We may collect some personal data while operating AlexGuichet.com, and we will only collect information relevant to its purpose. If any data is collected, it will be stored only while relevant and will be discarded when it becomes irrelevant and possible to do so.


We realize the importance of maintaining security for our website—we want to keep our users safe. We make use of propriety technology to serve this website. We want to encourage those who have discovered possible security vulnerabilities in services we host to disclose it to us in a responsible manner. If you are investigating our services, do not attempt to impact the reliability or integrity of our service, or access user data. Please share details of any suspected security issue to alex@alexguichet.com. Please do not publicly disclose these details without our express consent.

Best Effort

We are run by Alex Guichet, just one person, as a side project. Some things may fall apart or break over time, or my content or CMS may not be completely updated to follow the shifting landscape. If you have concerns, contact Alex. If there's any issues, it may take time to fix.


Please email alex@alexguichet.com if you have any other questions.